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الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015

3 best strategies to keep your head of hair healthy, long and beauty

3 best ways to keep your locks healthy, long as well as beauty

Are you always trying to maintain and look after the beauty of this hair?? Humidity, water and sweat as well as rain, wind and fog are certainly not enemies of the character of the epidermis, only but around the hair too, if you were you actually encounter difficulty to keep your hair balanced and without pounding?? Today in order that will put the best three ways to maintain the beauty of this hair and the length and vitality...
how to keep your hair healthy

1 - Wash hair with shampoo nourishing the hair

how you can keep your locks healthyMake sure you make use of the specialist shampoo for straightening locks, and be well suited for your hair sort, wash your hair twice 7 days to maintain a new softer hair as well as beauty and keep it from embrittlement as well as break-up and continually be healthy without a new ripple, not scrimp to buy the sort of shampoo with premium quality and didn't contain alcohol and a lot of chemicals and you should definitely towel your dry hair without the need for natural air conditioner "Hair Clothes dryer. " unless that hair dryer can be safe

2- avoid exposure hair to heat

meaning to never use Hair Dryer with high temperature on your locks directly because warm damage the roots from the hair and weaken it, it will let you get the smooth and straight hair but hurt his health. does want to make of straight hair and not healthy or locks feeder Health, So always try not to use Hair Dryer and when you used it has to be a distance between them at the least 10 inches, and so the Iron hair also

3- Hairdressing everyday

how to keep the hair healthyOf balanced habits that demobilization hair daily to allow for the renewal from the circulatory scalp everyday and flaking older hair and reconditioned zeal New, not concern yourself with hair losing everyday, but only within the day falling 100 locks If it increases you need to consult a doctor, and be careful to hairdressing with wooden comb and brush especially and steer clear of electric brush because it cause significant damage to your hair as well as his health, and turn into keen to make use of creams for moisturize and nourish hair because the solution of beauty with your hair wet also it will make hair healthy.

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